The pickup and delivery problem with time windows, multiple-stacks, and handling operations sciencesconf.org:verolog2019:246381 |
Integration of Vehicles and Drones in Last Mile Delivery sciencesconf.org:verolog2019:247554 |
Deadlock-free routing and scheduling of autonomously guided vehicles sciencesconf.org:verolog2019:247720 |
Branch-cut-and-price algorithms for the vehicle routing problem with backhauls sciencesconf.org:verolog2019:248180 |
A meta-heuristic approach for the Vehicle Routing Problem with occasional drivers sciencesconf.org:verolog2019:248322 |
Optimising drayage operations by combining column generation and branch-and-cut sciencesconf.org:verolog2019:248618 |
A New Modeling of the Transportation Constraints in the RCPSP with Routing: Application to Healthcare Problems sciencesconf.org:verolog2019:249095 |
Solution strategies for the vehicle routing problem with backhauls sciencesconf.org:verolog2019:250363 |
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