Routing drones in the interior of a factory using a new version of the VRP
Ivan Derpich  1@  , Daniela Miranda  2@  
1 : Departamento de Ingeniería Industrial, Universidad de Santiago de Chile [Santiago]  (USACH)  -  Website
Av. Libertador Bernardo O`Higgins 3363, Santiago, Región Metropolitana -  Chile
2 : Departamento de ingeniería ndustrial, Universidad de Santiago de Chile  (USACH)  -  Website
Ave. Ecuador 2769, Estación Central, Santiago de Chile -  Chile

In this paper we analyze the feasibility of using drones in a manufacturing factory that requires multiple transports from the warehouse to the workstations. Considering low cost drones it is understood that they have little autonomy and low load capacity. To minimize energy consumption a mathematical model of vehicle routing type is used, in three dimensions, which is a new formulation of the VRP and it is solved using an optimization method. The problem is complex because is a new problem named VRP min takeoff and it is a NP-hard problem, like the VRP, moreover the routes must be planned in order to avoid collisions, therefore they must follow time windows in the deliveries.

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